I've published three graphic novels in Poland. Two of them were in full color ("Gangi Radomia" - "The Gangs of Radom" and "Oltsajders" - "Outsiders") and one was black and white ("Wędrówki po Miescie Cyborgow" - "Travels trough Cyborg City"). Also, I made many short stories, published in Polish magazines and comics anthologies.
I have been interested in comics since forever. In the 80-ties I was buying all the Polish comics and the few international ones, which were lucky enough to got into Poland through "iron curtain". I've been raised on s-f cinema from those years. Even now I watch old movies like "Mad Max", "Robocop" or "Terminator" with sentiment.
After 1989, many comics classic were published in Poland. My favourites artist are: Simon Bisley, Enki Bilal, Mike Mignola, Richard Corben, Tanino Liberatore, Juan Gimenez, Frank Miller, Moebius. These guys have inspired me and my perception of comics art.
Below: cover of my first album "Wędrówki po Miescie Cyborgow" - "Travels trough Cyborg City"